A Letter from the Pastor
Hello, and welcome to Christ Central Church!
Thank you for taking a moment to check us out. We are a church that seeks to emphasize intentional Christian Community as an expression of the grace and mercy that is offered to all in the Lord Jesus. We see the gathering of believers not simply as a shelter in the storms of life, but also a place where we are collectively being built up and equipped for mission. To that end, we recognize both the challenges and the opportunities of our time, just as the church of Jesus has done for two millennia.
The transformative work of Christ is central to our life together and also encourages us to be a blessing to others. We revel in the opportunity to welcome the stranger, as Jesus commanded, that we might together seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Perhaps, much of this sounds very foreign to you. We welcome that also and invite you to be among us as we consider God’s word and wrestle with the implications of a Savior that saw the world as it truly is, and gave himself for it.
Christ Central is a church in the Reformed tradition, meaning, among other things, that you will hear historic creeds and confessions of the church. We seek to faithfully proclaim God’s word through song, and prayer, and preaching, with the expectation that it is powerful, and that it can and will change hearts and lives. We believe that we are actually made to glorify and worship the one true God, who has come to us in Jesus, and is among us by His Spirit.
Welcome in the name of the Lord!
Joe Magri
Rev. Joseph A. Magri